Our Products and Services
Kurobuta Berkshire, Natives, Large White Pigs and Piglets
High quality meat with marbling fat. Excellent for lechon and grill.
Heritage Chickens and Native
We produce free range chickens with high quality meat and good egg layers.
Turkeys and Guinea Fowls
We raise free range turkeys and guinea fowls for high quality and protein rich meat.
Purebred Anglo Nubian Goats
We raise and breed purebred nubian goats with certification from the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA). Excellent milkers and genetics.
Diverse seasonal fruits and Crops
We grow our crops from sustainable farming. We aim to grow more organic crops in the season to come.

ECHO Integrated Farm School
We are TESDA Accredited and offers courses ranging from Animal Production Ruminants and Poultry. More course offerings coming soon.